Limitless One-Stop Design + Print + Photoshoot/Videoshoot, also audio & lighting for events, custom-made props etc all you need.

有多年表演經驗, 亦曾受邀到各大小機構表演, 回響熱烈.另外本公司特有Q版財神, 十分受歡迎
表演藝術 / 節目及活動JC Amazement Event Planner & Decoration 活動策劃 求婚驚喜 場地佈置 花車出租 婚禮司儀

Wedding Flower - Rose Corsage 婚禮絲花用品 - 玫瑰襟花及腕花 Material: Pongee We have2 colours available. Colour: Peach(桃), Pink(粉紅) Delivery Time: 1 week This rose corsage is recommended to be used for wedding an
F鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球

"A much celebrated success story of recent years, Barlow Lyde & Gilbert has emerged to dominate in its chosen fields."- Chambers and Partners 2005-2006 Barlow Lyde & Gilbert is a leading inte
B商業 / 法律事務Barlow Lyde & Gilbert

--> 100 piece Rose Petals Material: Pongee Rose Petal Size: 4 – 4.8cm Net Weight: about 18g We have 4 colours available. Colour: Burgundy(酒紅), Pink(粉紅), Red(紅),White/Cream(白/牙白) Delivery Time:
F鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球

About Us We offer various training and consultation to organizations with an objective to promote wholistic wellbeing in workplaces. We have worked with the Trade and Industry Department, Housing Dep
健康及醫療 / 會社、組織及團體俊天整全健康諮商中心

Interactive conference and live event technology.

European Motors Ltd have been buying and selling quality used cars in Hong Kong since 1975 and have thousands of satisfied clients - we hope you will become one of them!

有無聽過買鑽石都有Outlet ? 「鑽星滙CLINKS DIAMOND」直銷中心 - 名碼實價 . 廠價出售! GIA鑽石低至零售店的6折 !保證價廉物美 !
結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾鑽星滙 CLINKS DIAMOND

提供化妝髮型服務,包括☑ 日妝 ☑ 晚妝 ☑ 宴會妝 ☑ 姊妹化妝 ☑ 媽媽奶奶妝 ☑ 新娘化妝 ☑ 高清化妝 ☑ 演出造型 ☑ 修眉 ☑ 另有頭飾租售等等。
美容 / 化妝Yennis Lai


投資筍盤 海逸星宸位於江門外海區中心地帶,國家高新開發區(同珠海橫琴,深圳前海,中山翠亨,廣州南沙稱為廣東5小龍)配有:1、5A級寫字樓建筑標準; 2、高檔英式管家24小時服務;3、高檔私人會所;4、自帶五星級酒店;5、輕軌物業(3分鐘到達輕軌站)6、港澳碼頭(5分鐘到達碼頭)可直達香港澳門;7、遊艇會 (5分鐘珠中江遊艇會);【港澳人士,不限貸,不限購,任意買】正到暈!!(免費專車接送睇樓) 這
物業地產 / 住宅買賣陳先生

Freelance Accounts Job (為中小型公司提供會計服務),本人熟悉工程和飲食等各行業日常會計入帳運作,按月、按季或按年的財務報表。
j商業 / 會計及稅務janvier_282
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